Thursday, August 22, 2019

Long time no blog!

My posts have been few and far between. Not because there's not a lot going on, but perhaps it's just too much to write about sometimes.

My neighbor maintains a blog and she simply writes her goings on from each day. I like the idea of that. I think I usually just overthink everything and I want a blog to "SAY" something. So, for a time at least, I'm going to do that; just keep a simple journal of the day's happenings and just let it go where it wants to.

Today I finished off the fourth and final 2-day session of Grand Jury. I certainly learned a lot about the law and all the terrible ways drugs ruin peoples lives and all the horrible things people do to each other, and there were things I wish I could forget, but I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat! It also got my psychology loving brain revved up observing how the jurors responded to things. Would love to do some research in that area some day lol.

While I was busy voting on indictments, Micah was busy acing her driving test. We officially have another teenage driver! Hallelujah! Now we just need another vehicle lol (dance five days a week, folks!)

Afterwards, I swung by the Silver Grizzly and did a few "tea" related things for a bit. Then came home and made last minute preparations for the girl's ballet class. Micah and Annabelle are teaching a ballet class for homeschoolers and they are super excited about the opportunity!

Aren't they cute!?

The rest of the evening has pretty much been organizing forms, some accounting, some scheduling, and now I must be off to bed where I shall probably toss and turn for a couple hours... only because I have to be up at 5:30 to cover a full morning shift at the Grizz. (If I was able to sleep in, I'd probably fall asleep right away) :P

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