Friday, August 23, 2019

Work and Veg Times 3

Woke up at 4:45am... my alarm was set for 5:15. Blech.

Arrived to work 20 minutes early in order to be able to get everything good and stocked and organized for the shift. It was super helpful because we were nonstop busy, which is so much better than being out-of-our-minds bored. Hooray!! the business-drought of summer is ending! My coworker, Lydia, and I managed to only spill a few cups of syrup and break one glass item lol. It was a good shift. :)

As soon as I got home, all FIVE kids (Shelby, Micah's very dear friend, is staying over) zoomed off to tap and hip-hop and I properly plopped myself down onto the couch, munched on pickles and fritos and watched "Swing Kids".

We ordered pizza for dinner, and I started a SECOND movie, "Ramen Soup" on Netflix, while dave worked on installing more of the vinyl soffit panels on the porch ceiling. I persuaded Dave to join me after a few minutes of watching since the main language was Japanese and he is currently studying Japanese. It was a lovely, heartfelt story that lets you have a "good" cry near the end. And of course it was true to its name and shared deliciously tempting images of food all along the way.

Meanwhile, the girls watched "Pride and Prejudice" for the sixth time in three weeks haha and Sam ventured off to the grizzly of course!

Then Dave and I watched ANOTHER movie, "All The President's Men" from 1976. We almost didn't make it all the way through, but it was worth fighting off sleepy yawns to finish it off. Great cast, obviously.

Now off to bed! Nighty, Night.

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